Happy Holidays!

I'm going to try to take some time away from this blog and enjoy the holidays. I attempted to take time off before when I was undergoing surgery but then all this stuff with Blago and Rick Warren erupted and I couldn't resist the pull of this blog to lure me back in. Usually the news is slow around this time of the year but who could've thought that some controversies were going to erupt just like that?
Well, anyway, I'm going to try to take some time off once again since I'm still healing health-wise. Last month I had hip replacement surgery and I was doing okay until my body had a bad reaction to the blood thinning medication Arixstra. One day I had blood oozing from my surgical wound despite the fact that the wound had just closed. My blood had grown so thin that it could seep through a closed wound. I was taken off the drug but then a blood blister had developed as a result of that blood oozing incident. The blister burst, which unleashed another round of bleeding. The doctor tried to stop it in his office but the blister was too deep so I once again had to enter the hospital and undergo a second surgery to get rid of that blood blister.
I've been home over a week since the second surgery and I'm having a scaled-down Christmas this year because I've been too sick and injured to do much Christmas shopping or decorating. Since the economy sucks these days, a lot of people are having scaled-down Christmases so I don't feel like I'm deviating too much from the societal norm these days. Besides if this entry in one of The Daily Kos diaries is to be believed, then it looks like Santa won't be there for Christmas because he was lost over the Bering Sea.

Well, any way, before I end this entry, I'd like to give some exposure to the tackiest Christmas item that I came across this year. If you're the kind of person who've been wishing for a nativity set that floats in a bathtub and features ducks portraying Mary, Joseph, Baby Jesus, and company, well you're in luck this year.

Yes, that's right, nothing says "Jesus is the reason for the Christmas season" like these rubber ducks. You can purchase this different kind of nativity here, here, and here.
Well, anyway, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa, Happy Winter Solstice, Have a Cool Yule, Happy New Years, Seasons Greetings, and Happy Holidays!
Labels: Christmas, Sarah Palin
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