Monday, January 19, 2009

I'm Glad I'm Not in DC Now

Tonight my husband and I were going to meet a few friends that we met through the Upsize This forum. (They are from Chicago and they live in the same South Side area where Barack Obama got his start in politics.) The original plan was for them to take the Green Line Metro to College Park where we would pick them up and go to R.J. Bentley's nearby for drinks. However, they had planned on going to a dinner party in downtown DC first so we would not have met up until after 9 p.m.

Well those plans have fallen through. One of our friends had called us saying that the streets of DC were so clogged with people that it took a much longer time for them to reach their dinner than usual. They didn't arrive at the dinner until after 8 p.m., which was about a couple of hours later than they planned on arriving.

As I'm typing this I'm watching a live broadcast of Countdown With Keith Olbermann on MSNBC from DC. Outside the window of the broadcast booth, there are throngs of people standing outside hoping for their 15 seconds of fame.

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