Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The Soap Opera in the Senate

As you may have heard, the Senate race in Minnesota wasn't decided until yesterday, when a recount confirmed that, after a very close race, Al Franken was declared the winner. Except that his opponent Norm Coleman is fighting the outcome in court so Minnesota had one less Senator when the Senate reconvened today.

However, that's nothing compared to the continuing Blago-Burris drama.


Mr Burris said officials turned him away when he arrived to be sworn in.


Unresolved wrangling over two Senate seats cast a shadow over the first day of the new Congress.
In his speech opening the session, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid stated that Mr Burris was "not in possession of the necessary credentials from the state of Illinois".

Illinois's secretary of state has so far refused to co-sign the letter of appointment from Mr Blagojevich, as required by Senate rules.

Speaking to reporters outside the Capitol earlier on Tuesday, Mr Burris said: "I presented my credentials to the secretary of the Senate, and was advised that my credentials were not in order."

Mr Burris, a former attorney-general for Illinois, said he was not seeking a confrontation but was looking at options for taking the seat. He would now consult his lawyers, he said.

I hope something happens that will get rid of this sideshow soon. Sure, it's entertaining to follow it but it's a definite distraction at a time when there are more urgent matters that both houses of Congress need to focus on (like the faltering economy).

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