Monday, February 9, 2009

The Octuplets' Crazy Mother Speaks

Nadya Suleman introduces her octuplets to the world via the Today show and this video just creeped me out. As she goes around introducing her babies, it's so obvious that she's enjoying the camera that's focused on her. Yet at the same time her babies look so underfed (probably as a result of low birth rate). During the interview, she totally comes across as not playing with a full deck of cards. (At one point she said that she kept on returning to the fertility clinic because she thought that her children would want a bigger family with more siblings.)

If that's not crazy enough, here is what Suleman has to say about the father of all of her children.

I hope that, for the sake of all of her children, that the State of California is keeping an eye on the family. Because if something really major goes wrong, the children will most definitely suffer.



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