Friday, February 13, 2009

First Octuplets, Now Quadruplets


The fertility doctor who helped Nadya Suleman conceive her octuplets also treated a 49-year-old woman who is carrying quadruplets, according to the Los Angeles Times.

Dr. Michael Kamrava transferred at least seven embryos to the unnamed woman, who is hospitalized at Los Angeles County-USC Medical Center, the Times reported today.

Like Suleman, the woman has been placed on bedrest because of discomfort and to protect the unborn children.

The woman, who is reportedly 20 weeks pregnant, has three other children but was hoping to have one more, according to the Times.

Meanwhile, the California Medical Board is reportedly investigating Kamrava for violating guidelines by implanting too many embryos in women and using unconventional in-vitro fertilization techniques.

This guy needs to be stopped. To implant so many embryos at once in a woman is very risky and dangerous to both the mother and babies. He is way too reckless with his treatments to continue practicing medicine. Women are not dogs and cats!!! The human uterus is NOT designed to handle large litters like that!!!

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